Donate to the project of your choice

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Thank you for your interest in donating to our projects. The humanitarian crisis in both Ukraine and Lebanon is getting worse. Our Club is fully committed to both projects and you can donate to either the Lebanon or Ukraine project.

A Smile for Lebanon

Our club has been supporting a dental clinic in a public school in Saida, Lebanon since November 2020. This has been a hugely successful project implemented by our partner, Rotary Club Tripoli Cosmopolis. 

We have decided to build on this success to expand the initiative and to provide dental health to kids in more places in Lebanon. To do so, we will use a mobile clinic. Imagine a dentist that drives from school to school in a van.

To raise the required USD 129,000, we have opened a new Global Grant Application - GG2342056 for 'Lebanese children's dental health'.

To donate, please click here.

Together with Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine heats up, the humanitarian situation is getting worse by the hour! Ukraine's borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Romania have seen an influx of refugees fleeing the war.

As Rotarians, our motto has always been to serve others. Thomas Seghazzi and Eric Holdorf selflessly travelled to Eastern Romania to help local NGOs and Rotary Clubs.

To donate, please transfer your donation to the following account. Please mention "UKRAINE" in the subject of your bank transfer:

Banque Cantonale de Genève
Rotary Club Genève International
IBAN: CH96 0078 8000 0505 1116 7
Subject: UKRAINE

You can donate to either the Ukraine or Lebanon project