"From Inner to Outer Peace in the Balkan Region" - Fundraising Dinner

Saturday, April 21, 2018 19:00-21:30, Villa Sangata - Chemin de Saint-Georges 34, 1815 Clarens
Speaker(s): Sanela Music & SandChild Team
  • Sanela Music

For more information, have a look at the attached flyer or contact Sanela.

Registration by email to info@sanchild.org before Friday, April 15th.

(Gala fee:150 CHF / person, half of it will be your contribution / donation to the project and the other half is meant to cover the Gala costs). 

Friends who are not able to attend the Gala can support the pilot project with a donation to the Association San Child: IBAN Post Finance: CH12 0900 0000 1446 0791 8 or BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX


Documents attached


The registration deadline has passed