Statutory Event - Rufo Guerreschi - Prospects for a Global, Safe, Democratic and Federal Governance of AI

Thursday, September 26, 2024 19:00-21:00, InterContinental Hotel Geneva, Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 7-9, 1211 Genève

19:00 - Rufo Guerreschi - Trustless Computing Association

  • Louis Coomans de Brachène

Rufo Guerreschi - Trustless Computing Association

Prospects for a Global, Safe, Democratic and Federal Governance of AI    

The presentation will start by providing an evidence-based overview of the primary risks and opportunities of AI, their timelines, and the current default path of the global governance of AI. It will illustrate how - while we are in the midst of an accelerating, reckless race among firms and states for powerful forms of AI and even Superintelligence - there is still time for humanity to unite to:

(A) ensure AIs remain human-controllable and is largely controlled by humanity,

(B) prevent catastrophic AI misuse and "runaway" AI, and

(C) maximize the chances of ASI outcomes beneficial to humanity. 

Mr Guerreschi will then illustrate the Coalition for a Baruch Plan for AI, convened by its Trustless Computing Association (TCA), and announced on September 10th, 2024, together with 5 other leading NGOs. The Coalition aims to aggregate an open coalition of NGOs, states and philanthropists,  to develop a timely, expert, and democratic AI treaty-making process - inspired by the intergovernmental constituent assembly model that led to the US federal constitution - to build within two years powerful, global, democratic and federal institutions for AI - akin to those that were nearly created for nuclear technology in 1946 through the US proposal to the UN of the Baruch Plan.

The Trustless Computing Association (TCA), established in 2015 and headquartered in Geneva, is a dedicated non-profit organization that promotes the development of international standards and agencies for the secure and democratic governance of digital communications and artificial intelligence (AI). TCA efforts span leading research, scholarly publications, influential conference series, and focused campaigns. TCA assembles top-tier experts and policymakers, supported by renowned institutional partners, to champion the cause of trustworthy, democratic, and secure IT and AI systems. 

For more information please visit our websites: 

Coalition for a Baruch Plan for AI:

Trustless Computing Association:    

Rufo Guerreschi is an accomplished activist, researcher, and entrepreneur dedicated to advancing liberty, safety and democracy globally in the domain of digital technologies. He founded and lead the Trustless Computing Association and its spin-in, TRUSTLESS.AI. Rufo has been the visionary behind the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference series since 2015, which advocates for a groundbreaking IT security paradigm—the Trustless Computing Paradigms—to harmonize personal freedoms with public safety. Previously, he was the founder and CEO of Participatory Technologies Srl, a company that provided open-source e-democracy solutions to transnational political organizations across three continents. As the Global Vice President at 4thPass, he pioneered the first Java mobile app store system, securing over 10 million euros in deals with major clients like Telefonica. As the CEO of the Open Media Park, Rufo significantly increased the project's valuation from 3 million to 21 million euros, focusing on developing a cutting-edge cybersecurity and new media technology park in Rome.

Rufo Guerreschi - Trustless Computing Association Prospects for a Global, Safe, Democratic and Federal Governance of AI

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Registration until: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 11:55 PM

Max. number of participants: 100

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