Chers présidents et présidentes des Rotary Clubs des districts suissesChères préside...
District 1980 and the Polaris Team offer Webinars for mandated persons in the clubs ...
Rotary Club Geneva International - Wall of Faniels received from Rotarian fiends visiting us or from Rotary Clubs around the world visited by our members.
RI President-elect Stephanie Urchick celebrates the magic of Rotary. She says members create that magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary
Presidential Theme 2024-25: The Magic of Rotary
Rotary Club Geneva International - Wall of Faniels received fom Rotarian fiends visiting us or from Rotary Clubs arou...
Chères Rotariennes, chers Rotariens,Chères Rotaractiennes, chers Rotaractiens, Le hasard du calendrier de cette année v...
Financial resources are urgently needed for the emergency aid, which is being led by Manuel Rigozzi, President of RC L...